Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Withdraw Mavro placed in "Available for withdrawal"

When you cancel a get help process without completing the process ie mostly after clicking the all button in mavro withdrawal window without completing the process the money is moved to "available for withdrawal".

to withdraw such money go back to your personal office( PO) and click on mavro. find and click the "available for withdrawal" to see the amount. then close window and click on "cashout mavro". this money is moved back and becomes available in "get help" you wont see it anywhere but the final stage of get help. to withdraw  the bitcoin go back to your PO, click on get help and select all from at list one transaction.  once you click on confirm the window will pop showing the total amount in available for withdrawal" and any added funds.

1. Select Mavro from personal office

2. Select "Available for Withdrawal"

3. View available mavro and close the popup.


4. Click on "Cashout  Mavro"


5. go back to your personal office. when you GH (get help) the money will be added to your get help request.
Note: if you have zero mavro but have mavro in your available for withdrawal, when getting help continue to click next  until the last stage to view your available mavro.

Sunday, 11 September 2016

How to pay and attach proof of payment in mmm

Steps on how to make payment and send proof of payment.

1. click "details" on matched PH

2. Copy bitcoin address and bitcoin exact figure

3. Open a new Tab in your browser and login to your account,  after login, click on "send" button. enter the bitcoin address and exact btc amount on the Send dialog that appears.  Note: you might have to login to your email to optain your identifier  ( attach your user identifier (ID)  to every email they send to you)

4. click send

5. Successfully sent message appears

6. Click on Transaction menu


7. Click on "Sent" for the transaction you want to get the TXID

8. Click the small icon close to the "Transaction Confirmed"

9. if your browser doesn't allow you to copy just the ID then copy link location

10. Go back to Order Details in mmmunited and click i completed payment, scroll down and paste the link as seen in screenshot below. Remember to remove "" from the link

11.  Only the Transaction ID is required, so delete the url format living only the TXID.


12. Rate 5 star, Enter comment on the transaction, example "good transaction" and  Click Submit to confirm 

How to Get Help in MMM

Get help(GH) is only available after  Providing help
Note: withdrawal of mavro before 30 days will affect mavro growth.
        To withdraw capital, you need to select capital from mavro tab and click on cashout mavro.

skip step a and b if you dont want to withdraw your capital.
 a. from dashboard click mavro, select your capital and click on "cashout mavro".
b. click ok and go back to dashboard.

1.  Click on "Get Help"

2. Select and click next

3. Select bitcoin address and click next

4.Click "all" on the amount you want to withdraw


5. Once the amount appear on text box click next


6. Verify and click next

7.  You will receive a success message and your get help request will appear on your personal office

8. Wait for requested help to be matched, time  varies (1 minute - 2 weeks)


9. Once you  receive help click on "details" and  click " confirm fund reception

10. Rate and comment on transaction


11.  Transaction will appear with fully checked green mark